Remedy Which Can Help You Remove Dark Patches on the Neck and Underarms

Dark patches are annoying, and sometimes it is really hard to get rid of them. There are many products in the market which can help us, but some of them are expensive or even provide side effects. Dark patches usually appear on the neck, thighs, and underarms and they may be caused by hormonal imbalance, some skin diseases, sun exposure, or some chemicals.

That is the main reason why we are going to give you some natural remedies which may help you reduce the dark patches and finally get the perfect skin you always wanted.

Remedy 1

Ingredients you will need:

– one tablespoon of olive oil

– one teaspoon of salt

– one teaspoon of baking soda


Mix the ingredients together and then apply the mixture on the affected areas. Let it stay for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. Do this several times a week.

Remedy 2

Ingredients you will need:

– white clay

– one teaspoon of lemon

– one tablespoon of milk


Combine the ingredients in a bowl and stir it till you get a paste. Then apply it to your dark patches and leave it to stay for 30 minutes. Finally, rinse it off with cold water. Do this every morning after waking up.

Remedy 3

Ingredients you will need:

– one tablespoon coconut oil

– one tablespoon baking soda

– one teaspoon of lemon juice

– one teaspoon aloe Vera gel


Mix the ingredients till you get a homogenous mixture. Use a cotton ball to apply it to the affected area. Let it stay for 20 minutes and then wash it away.

Remedy 4


– one tablespoon of honey

– one tablespoon of lemon juice

– two tablespoons of sugar


Mix the ingredients together and then apply it on the dark patches. Massage the affected areas with circular motions for several minutes and let it stay until it dries. Wash your skin with warm water. Repeat it every night before you go to sleep.

These are some of the most used natural remedies around the world for treating dark patches. If you are one of the million people who have this problem you should try some of these remedies and after several days you will see the results.

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