Everyday Products That Will Make You Feel Good as New

Do you feel exhausted, and you suffer from often headaches, nauseous and depression? You can’t find the cause, and you feel worst every day. Your body is overload with toxins, and it needs proper cleanse. Our team Go Fits Stay Fit is going to give you a list of foods which can help you detoxify your body and improve your health. Every organ in your body needs some food to work properly, and here you have the list:

Thyroid gland

– Celery

It is an excellent source of antioxidants and beneficial enzymes. Celery is rich in vitamin K, vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and folate. You should consume it regularly to improve your thyroid functions. It is extremely useful in cases of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Celery cleanses the blood, prevents uric acid formations in the joints and reduces inflammations in the body. You can prepare a green smoothie with celery and enjoy its benefits.


– Beetroot

Beetroot is one of the healthiest foods in the world. It contains high amounts of betaine, betalains, fiber, iron, betacyanin, folate, betanin and pectin which are extremely important for our liver. If you consume it regularly, it will purify and detoxify your liver, and protect you from numerous of diseases.

– Ginger

It was found that ginger contains liver -protective properties. It cleanses our blood, eliminates the toxins from the body, reduces inflammations and improves the circulation. We should consume it to prevent developing of liver degeneration, fatty liver and for fighting parasites.

Digestive system

– Onion

This vegetable is rich in biotin, manganese, cooper, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium and folate which are essential for our body. It also contains a fiber known as inlulin that is a beneficial food source for the healthy bacteria in the intestines. Inlulin helps our body to maintain the healthy levels of good bacteria and also promotes regular bowel movement.

– Flax seeds

Flax seeds protect the lining of the digestive tract and maintain GI health. You can also consume it for treating constipation. Flax seeds contain high amounts of omega- 3, fiber, protein, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, and vitamin B1.


– Olive oil

It is confirmed that olive oil reduces the cholesterol levels in the blood and gallbladder. It is an excellent natural remedy for preventing and treating gallbladder stones. Consuming olive oil also improves our cardiovascular functions, reduces inflammations and fights infections.


– Parsley

Parsley is an excellent diuretic which can help us in case of water retention and hypertension. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals essential for our kidneys. You can prepare a parsley tea to cleanse your body and prevent developing kidney stones.

– Cranberries

People drink cranberries juice to fight urinary tract infections and cleanse the kidneys. This juice is one of the best ways to eliminate the toxins and waste from our bodies. If you drink it regularly, you will never have kidneys problems, and your immune system will be boosted.

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